The Bretagne-Pays de la Loire HSL

The Bretagne-Pays de la Loire HSL

A project to promote mobility and boost the competitiveness and appeal of the Bretagne and Pays de la Loire regions.

A major route for Britanny.

The Bretagne-Pays de la Loire high-speed line,
which opened in July 2017, connects Rennes to Paris in less than an hour and a half.

One year after the line opened,
it had 4 million passengers
(a 27 % increase in ridership).

Les grandes étapes du projet

Janvier 2011 – Juillet 2012

Études et autorisations administratives

Avril 2011 – Décembre 2011

Concertation et réunions publiques

Juillet 2012 – Décembre 2012

Travaux préparatoires

Décembre 2012 – Eté 2015

Grands travaux de terrassement et de génie civil

Automne 2014 – Été 2015

Installation des équipements ferroviaires

Automne 2016

Fin des travaux

15 mai 2017

Mise à disposition de la ligne à SNCF Réseau

A 6-year project

182 km of new track and 32 km of trunk line
225 tunnels and bridges, including 14 railway viaducts and 7 cut and covers


€3 billion in Public-Private Partnership investments, including €1.2 billion from the private sector

Social and environmental responsibility

123 species of fauna and flora protected

800 ha of compensatory habitat

Creation of a carbon fund to promote the use of less polluting construction techniques and materials

An innovative project focused on optimisation and a long-term perspective

  • Optimisation of routing during the design phase to reduce construction costs and delivery times.
  • Innovative use of asphalt as a sub-ballast layer to reduce construction times, improve passenger comfort, and cut maintenance costs.
  • Full interoperability from the start and long-term thanks to three signalling systems (TVM300, ERTMS 1 for freight traffic and the Le Mans rail bypass, and ERTMS 2).

A socio-economic Observatory for the Bretagne-Pays de la Loire (BPL) high-speed line:

The BPL Observatory comprises Eiffage Rail Express (the concession holder), the French government and SNCF Réseau (the co-financiers of the HSL), and key local stakeholders. This observatory was created in 2012 for a period of 10 years, and has two components: a socio-economic part and an environmental part. Its objective is to analyse the challenges and opportunities stemming from the arrival of the high-speed line in both environmental and social economic terms.

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